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Our Mission:


To surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. 



Communities In Schools of Michigan believes relationships are the cornerstone to unlocking a student's potential. We will succeed by including in our strategies, ingraining in our culture, and reflecting in our behaviors, anti-racist principles and practices of diversity, equity and inclusion. As a result, we break down immediate and systemic barriers to create and equitable outcomes that are sustainable.

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Bringing Communities of Support to Students

Three accredited affiliates make up our 102 school and community sites network in Michigan. Communities In Schools of Michigan currently serves in 73 of these schools. Within this network, there are individuals and organizations who help make this work possible. Our commitment to the students we serve also keeps us focused on results. This work has been informed by more than 45 years of supporting students and school staff.



Of our students improved their in-school behavior


of our students improved their school attendance

*2022-23 outcomes for CIS of Michigan


Integrated Student Support

The CIS Student Support Coordinator works with volunteers, partners and the local community to provide students with the supports they need to succeed both inside and outside the classroom. By differentiating our supports, we are able to serve most students in a school and also focus attention on targeted students that have significant needs.

Below are some examples of how we provide support:


Academic Assistance

Our student support coordinators work hard to ensure students have the resources to progress academically. From providing tutors to finding and creating quiet spaces where students can study, we do whatever it takes to create an optimal learning environment for our students. We also provide a wide range of information and opportunities for college-bound and career-minded students.

Community & Service Learning

Students served by Communities In Schools not only get the help they need to succeed in the classroom, but they also gain valuable experience in the real world by participating in public service activities. We encourage and provide students with many opportunities to connect more with their local community – from volunteer jobs, mentoring programs, and outreach efforts, students can experience for themselves the value they can bring to and receive from community involvement.

Basic Needs

What can seem like small obstacles can easily lead students off track. A student cannot focus in the classroom if he or she is hungry, cold, tired, or cannot see the board. From ensuring students get proper nutrition, sleep in safe places, and have reliable transportation to and from school, to providing resources or referrals to their families when they are in need, there is no request too small for us.

College & Career Prep

For students pursuing college, we help decipher the application process, explore scholarship opportunities, tour campuses and conduct mock interviews. For those planning to enter the workforce, we help students discover enjoyable, sustainable career paths and connect them to internships, job shadowing opportunities, and leadership training courses. Our site coordinators provide a safe sounding board to articulate goals and fears and explore options for those undecided.


Get Involved

Your tax-deductible gift to Communities In Schools will help connect students with caring adults, community resources, and support systems to keep them in school and on the path to graduation. When provided with one-on-one support, 99% of our students stay in school, but many more need help.


CIS of Michigan's goal is to bring the Community into schools through volunteers and partners.

Make a Donation

For as little as $200 per child annually (or $15 a month), we are able to keep 99% of our most at-risk students in school.