2023 Impact Report


Communities In Schools (CIS) of Michigan is part of a national network that ensures every student, regardless of race, zip code, or socioeconomic background has what they need to realize their potential in school and beyond. Working directly inside 72 schools and community sites across the state, we connect students to caring adults and community resources that help them see, confront, and overcome the barriers that stand between them and a brighter future. Together, we build a powerful change movement made up of peers, students, and alumni committed to building an equitable path to education for future generations.

In every school district, CIS provided whole-school, group, and individual student supports and provided food assistance, clothing, winter coats, hygiene products, shoes, school supplies, and cleaning supplies to students and families who needed them. Student Support Coordinators gave these items out through clothing closets, school food banks, weekend food kit distributions, mobile food pantries, and home deliveries.

Please note that all data displayed here is awaiting final verification by national.

Our Impact

Success Story

We are continuing to participate in our Student Voices for Healthy Choices programming, made possible by the Michigan Health Endowment Fund. Students from across the state are participating in training to become leaders of their student wellness teams at their schools.

"The SVHC trainings are an especially energizing time for youth and adults. It's an opportunity for us to come together to imagine, learn, and plan the ways young folk can take charge of being change-makers in their community. The service learning model that NYLC introduced to participants is a pathway for anyone to make an impact in their communities." said Senior Director of Learning and Equity Supports, Syed Murtaza-Rose.

These student leaders are working to find ways to make their schools healthier. Their student voices are pivotal for making authentic and sustainable change in their schools and throughout the state.

Supports Distributions